Wednesday 20 November 2013

Download Firefox 23.0 Beta 8 free-Direct download

Firefox 23.0 Beta 8

The Web is all about innovation, and Firefox sets the pace with dozens of new features to deliver a faster, more secure and customizable Web browsing experience for all.
User Experience. The enhancements to Firefox provide the best possible browsing experience on the Web. The new Firefox smart location bar, affectionately known as the "Awesome Bar," learns as people use it, adapting to user preferences and offering better fitting matches over time.
Performance. Firefox is built on top of the powerful new Gecko platform, resulting in a safer, easier to use and more personal product.
Security. Firefox raises the bar for security. The new malware and phishing protection helps protect from viruses, worms, trojans and spyware to keep people safe on the Web.
Customization. Everyone uses the Web differently, and Firefox lets users customize their browser with more than 5,000 add-ons.

Download BitTorrent® for android

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Brought to you by the team that invented the BitTorrent protocol and BitTorrent software, this handy Android torrent app lets you get media wherever you are.
Find torrents and download them to your smartphone or tablet, subscribe to RSS feeds, play content, and more. The first generation of this powerful new torrent download app is made to be simple, fast, and free. That means no speed limits, and no size limits, on mobile downloads.
To get the best performance and avoid running up your data charges, we recommend taking advantage of Wifi-only mode whenever possible.
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Internet and Computer Error Codes Elaborately Discussed

Error Codes 

  • 100 Continue 
  • 101 Switching Protocols 
  • 200 OK Action completed successfully
  • 201 Created Success following a POST command
  • 202 Accepted The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed.
  • 203 Partial Information Response to a GET command, indicates that the returned meta information is from a private overlaid web.
  • 204 No Content Server has received the request but there is no information to send back.
  • 205 Reset Content 
  • 206 Partial Content The requested file was partially sent. Usually caused by stopping or refreshing a web page.
  • 300 Multiple Choices 
  • 301 Moved Permanently Requested a directory instead of a specific file. The web server added the filename index.html, index.htm, home.html, or home.htm to the URL.
  • 302 Moved Temporarily 
  • 303 See Other 
  • 304 Not Modified The cached version of the requested file is the same as the file to be sent.
  • 305 Use Proxy 
  • 400 Bad Request The request had bad syntax or was impossible to be satisified.
  • 401 Unauthorized User failed to provide a valid user name / password required for access to file / directory.
  • 402 Payment Required 
  • 403 Forbidden The request does not specify the file name. Or the directory or the file does not have the permission that allows the pages to be viewed from the web.
  • 404 Not Found The requested file was not found.
  • 405 Method Not Allowed 
  • 406 Not Acceptable 
  • 407 Proxy Authentication Required 
  • 408 Request Time-Out 
  • 409 Conflict 
  • 410 Gone 
  • 411 Length Required 
  • 412 Precondition Failed 
  • 413 Request Entity Too Large 
  • 414 Request-URL Too Large 
  • 415 Unsupported Media Type 
  • 500 Server Error In most cases, this error is a result of a problem with the code or program you are calling rather than with the web server itself.
  • 501 Not Implemented The server does not support the facility required.
  • 502 Bad Gateway 
  • 503 Out of Resources The server cannot process the request due to a system overload. This should be a temporary condition.
  • 504 Gateway Time-Out The service did not respond within the time frame that the gateway was willing to wait.
  • 505 HTTP Version not supported

Top 10 Open Sources Tools For Web Developers 2013

1. Aptana Studio

  • It supports latest Web technologies like HTML5 , CSS3, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, PHP, Pyhton with information about the level of supports for each element major Web Browsers.
  • Syntax highlighting, auto- completion of code.
  • Git integration
  • Inbuilt deployment wizardc to help pubils your Web application.
  • Integrated debugger - the most important component of an IDE, lets you set breakpoint, variables and control execution.
  • Build- in terminal to access OS commands.

2. Komodo Edit

  • Also supports Cloud-based projects.
  •  It uses the Mozilaa code-base, along with Scintilla. Also have a Firefox type extention system for finding and installing add-ons.
  • Suppots python, Perl, PHP, Ruby, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScripts, SQL, Tcl, XML.
  • Syntax highlighting, auto- completion of code and call tips.
  • Has added supports Node.js, CoffeeScripts, LESS, SCSS, EJS and epMojo.
  • It has a inbulit FTP clients lets you access remotly hosted files without having to create a project or download an entire directory tree. If Firefox is your browser of choice, you would feel right at home with Komodo.

3. NetBeans

  • It started as an IDE for Java programming, but now you can create professional desktop, enterprise, Web, and mobile application with java as well as C/C++, PHP, JavaScript, Groovy and Ruby.
  • Is also know for its great Debugging.

4. Drupal

  •  Is just as Wordpress and Joomla. It lacks high-quality themes like those available for the others two CMS, but it is unique in its own way, and preferred for its good technique design and mantainability.
  • Getting static pages on a Drupal site is easier than in Wordpress and Joomla.
  • The Drupal module for social media integration is easier to work with than its counterpart for Wordpress or Joomla.
  • Ubercart, the e-commerce tools for Drupal is excellent. You might have a trouble working with the e-commerce tools for WordPress or Joomla.
  • Drupal, being old has grown a lot and has a large community base, so you'll not be alone.Community support is very good in my experience. 

5. MySQL

  • Is the most powerful and popular database and hardly needs introduction.
  • However, its enterprise version is not free, but compared to other enterprise solution, it is still the best choice for its price and the supprot is awesome.
  • The free version of MySQL servers as the foundation for the CMS and various other software.
  • You can administer the database using the command-line utility mysql , with dozens of command for effective managment.
  • You acn integrate it with the PHP, Java and other programmming languages to make an effective application.
  • You can use MySQL, Workbench which is a GUI tool for integration of database design, administration and maintenance into a single IDE for the MySQL database system.

6. Apache Web Server

  • Popular WebServer since April 1996 and hosts nearly 60% of Web domains.
  • Though devloped for UNIX -like OS's it also runs on Windos, Mac OS X and others.
  • Common languages interface support PHP, Perl, Tcl and Python.
  • Virtual hosting allows one Apache installation to server many differnt websites.
  • Supports password authentication and digital certification authentication.
  • As its source code is available, you can modify it according to your needs, if you know what you are doing.
  • Other features include Secure Sockets Layers, Transport layer Security support, a URL re-writer and custom log files. 

7. Apache Tomcat

  • As stated by its website, Apache TomCat is an open Source software implementation of the Java Script and Java Server Page technologies.
  • TomCat should not be confused with the Apache Server. TomCat is a Web conatiner that servers Web pages written in Java, while Apache is an HTTP server written in C.
  • I have used it with Eclipse IDE, and I can vouch for the fact tha it is pure plug-and-play; no hard-and-fast configuration is needed.

8. Inkscape

  • Inkscape is a vector- based graphics application, and by far the most popular open source options for a graphics tools if you aim to decorate your Website.
  • The programe supports the standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format, as well as many others. 
  • It imports files from many formats, including .jpg .png .tif and others, and exports to numerous vector-basd formats and .png.
  • Dont compare it with its proprietary counterparts, as they are more powerful but among free tools Inkscape is the Best and is being devloped further.

9. FileZilla

  • Fre and Open source FTP, FTPS and SFTP clients. Also available as a server if you want to make file available to others, but this works only for Windows.
  • Create in January 2001 by Tim Klosse as a class project, Filezilla has gone on to become the fifth most important popular download of all time from 
  • Supprots FTP,FTP over SSL/TLS(FTPS) and SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
  • Being Cross Platform it runs on Windows , Linux, *BSD , Mac OS X and more. 
  • Supports resume and transfer of files larger than 4 GB.
  • IPv6 support.
  • Configurable transfer speed limits.
  • Network configuration wizard.
  • HTTP/1.1 ,SOCKS5 and FTP-Proxy supports.
  • Synchronised directory browsing.
  • But, your IDE lacks an in-builts FTP client for deploying websites.


  • If you want to install a full LAMP or WAMP stack, it's hard to configure them all and get the site live. XAMMP has changed this, with a simple easy-to-install Apache distribution conataining MySQL, PHP, Pearl for quickly setting up a devlopment envirnoment locally.
  • XAMMP is supported on multiple OS : Windows , Linux, Solaris , Mac OS X 
  • It is designed with the Web devlopers in mind, giving you the power and flexibility of a test Web Server without the hassle of setting up a dedicated box running a special server operating system, just for site testing. 
  • When it comes to throwing a server out into the wild, however proper hardened security is a must and operating system designed specifically for server should be used for public facing production sites, instead of XAMPP.So. the simple advice is to give XAMPP to stay confine in an internal LAN.